This is Mabel. She deliberately runs away from me. She watches me, and runs when she knows I’m not looking. One second she’s there, I turn to yell at the one of the dogs who are always barking, and bam!…
Category: Chickens
Sometimes, bad things happen. It’s a risk we all take in our day to day, but a risk that seems heightened on the homestead. When you invest so much of yourself into your land and your animals, it becomes heart…
There are tons of articles about raising chickens. Trust me, I’ve read them all. Most of them say the same thing, others have a few differences, and others still are completely out there. However, in the middle of a chick…
My chickens are not normal chickens. Or perhaps I’m not a normal chicken mother. I’m some sort of worrying, always fussing mother hen combination. Either way, Hubby and I moved our 13 little darlings to their coop at 4 1/2…