Something wonderful happened on the farm last week. The farmer and farmher both got new underwear. I KNOW! Isn’t it exciting! Truth of the matter is, we’ve been going like mad people since we hit the ground running in September….
The world is turning grey. Just meer weeks ago everything was ablaze. Bright red, orange, and deep gold covered this entire landscape. The gold from the soybean fields mingled with the flaming back drop of trees to make everything look…
Truth be told, life is not going as planned. Do you know what my plan was? 5 kids. Yup. 5. I figured by number 4 they’d just be walking out. So 5 shouldn’t be that bad. Know how many kids…
Once upon a time there lived a girl. She lived beside a giant blackberry patch, but year after year the birds always beat her there. But this year she made it her mission to get there first and checked on…
Have you ever read someone else’s blog and thought Gee, how do they keep it together? Like honestly. Has any other blogger, other than me, woken up with a headache and just wanted to sit in the sunshine with a…
Some people grow wings. They want to see the world. Climb to the highest mountain. Travel to anywhere at any given time. All they need is a good wind and a couple of dollars and they fly away. They have…