I must be living in a cave. I seem to be about 5 years behind on everything, so when I discovered this recipe I was blown. a. way. It’s sweet, and silky and decadent…..and healthy! I am a sweets person….
Year: 2015
It is about 10 thousand degrees outside right now. I’m not kidding. I’m Canadian I was not built for such extreme temperatures. And so far on the hottest day of the year I have managed to sell 5 dozen eggs!…
A few weeks back my husband came home with a huge smile on his face and announced that his brother was coming home from Ottawa for the weekend and would be coming to our place on Sunday for a barbecue…
Nestled in the back corner of the largest town around that hosts a good shopping selection is a store that sells large quantity items mostly for businesses but that can also be purchased by the general public without needing a…
I am a lot of things (goat milker extraordinaire, baker, lost cell phone finder, owner of one pair of jeans.). And I am also not a lot of things (math expert, girl with perfectly painted fingernails, person with co-operative hair)….
A long time ago I was a tofu eating vegetarian. True story. I drank almond milk. I never used cream for anything. I “buttered” my store bought bread with margarine. I ate ramen noodles. I downed bags of potato chips…