2 Ingredient Makeup Remover

I have to admit something.

I used to sleep with my makeup on.

Actually I never took it off. Ever.

I just reapplied a fresh coat the next day.

Here was my thinking:

  1. Makeup remover is expensive. And sometimes doesn’t even work. And has stuff in them that I can’t pronounce, let alone know what the heck it is….not that makeup itself is much better but let’s not open that book.
  2. Should my house catch on fire in the middle of the night (Lord forbid) and the firefighters have to come, girlfriend has to look good.

Ok number 2 isn’t really a real reason.


But keeping makeup on forever isn’t a very healthy decision, so for makeup wearing freaks like me, here is a ridiculously simple, cheap, and pronounceable make up remover that requires very little effort to make and to use. That’s a triple win. I’m stoked, as are you I’m sure.

You Will Need:

1/4 cup Fractionated Coconut Oil (buy here)

Optional – A few drops of essential oil of choice ( I use 2 drops of lavender and 2 drops of a blend called skin care. Frankincense would be a good one to use too.)

A little jar or bottle with a lid (these are the jars I use)



Put everything into a little jar. Stir or shake to combine if using essential oils.




The end.


Now don’t you feel foolish for buying that $30 makeup remover.

But April, what is fractionated coconut oil? 

Ah, good question my friend!

I found this defination that sums it up better than I could

As the name implies, Fractionated coconut oil is a fraction of the coconut oil from which almost all the long chain triglycerides are removed, thus leaving mainly the medium-chain triglycerides and making it an absolutely saturated oil.


Did you get that? That was pretty technical.

Fractionated coconut oil also absorbs well into the skin, has no scent, has an infinite shelf life, won’t stain, and stays liquid.

If you don’t have fractionated coconut oil you can use grape seed oil or sweet almond oil in its place. You want a light and liquid oil for this so try to stay away from virgin coconut oil or olive oil. They’re just too heavy and globby.


Directions For Use:

To remove makeup, simply wipe a little bit on the area and remove with a cloth or piece of paper towel. I usually just dip my finger into the oil, as you don’t need much, and then rub it onto my eye area. I only wear eye liner and mascara so it’s simple to remove. If you’re a full face of makeup kind of girl this will work too.

This will also help sooth and moisturize your face and, depending on what E.O.’s you use, might even help with wrinkles.  Pretty sweet I’d say.

The most expensive part of this is the fractioned oil, but trust me one little jar of this makeup remover lasts quite a while. When using essential oils be sure to use therapeutic grade oils. They may seem expensive but you only use a couple of drops so a little bottle lasts a very long time. I use Rocky Mountain Oils (formerly Native American Nutritionals) and looove them! They’re not a multilevel marketing company and deliver a high quality oil (I don’t get anything for saying that).

So go forth and use homemade makeup remover. Your face and budget will thank you.

And amen.


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links from Amazon.com (US). Should you choose to purchase something through the links provided, I will make a very small commission at no extra cost to you. I promise to only link to things I use, love or desperately want. All proceeds go to the treat fund for my chickens so they sincerely thank you.



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