Once upon a time there lived a girl. She lived beside a giant blackberry patch, but year after year the birds always beat her there. But this year she made it her mission to get there first and checked on…
Year: 2017
Have you ever read someone else’s blog and thought Gee, how do they keep it together? Like honestly. Has any other blogger, other than me, woken up with a headache and just wanted to sit in the sunshine with a…
Some people grow wings. They want to see the world. Climb to the highest mountain. Travel to anywhere at any given time. All they need is a good wind and a couple of dollars and they fly away. They have…
Y’all I’m just going to say it. We drink raw milk. Bless my stars and garters I must clutch my pearls! I know. I know. I thought you might say that. Raw milk is illegal in Canada. I literally feel…
We have a quick order of business today. Mainly because I’m supposed to be vacuuming. Pfft vacuum. Who has time for that? Looks around. Notices I’m standing alone. Shuffles feet. Ok fine. I’ll vacuum. But first lets talk about soup….
I have tears in my eyes as I write this. This dream seemed so far away. The ache in our hearts drove us onward every day towards a goal that we wanted more than anything else in the world, but…