A Thankful List

It’s Thanksgiving. In Canada that is.

Our growing season is much shorter. We need to eat a month earlier or we’d freeze to death without all those extra calories. True story.

And in true Thanksgiving fashion we’re all getting together to feast.

And complain about the relatives. But let’s not focus on that.


Let’s focus on turkey. And stuffing, and cranberries, and squash.

Speaking of squash I just picked up a half bushel of squash at the farmers market for $10. Girlfriend is going to be eating squash all winter long! It’s a good feeling having a stock pile of food down in the cold cellar.

Some day I would like a root cellar. Like a real one. Outside. With a creaky old door, and narrow stairs. That would be pretty cool. But for now I have a cold cellar in the basement that looks like it was originally some sort of panic room. It is completely concrete, even the ceiling. The door is heavy duty and the lock on the inside of the door is impressive. If I ever wanted to lock myself in and eat all the peaches Hubby would have a real task of getting in to save said peaches.


But that will, probably never happen. Probably.


So this Thanksgiving I’m thankful for huge concrete rooms, a goat that lets me milk her, 17 laying hens, and a big old smelly buck. I’m thankful for him because I don’t have to drive all over the countryside to get my does bred this year. And everyone loves baby goats. And you don’t get said baby goat without the smelly buck. It’s a price you have pay.

I’m also thankful for my Hubby, my little house in the woods, and food.

Actually mostly food.

But more important then all of those other things is being a new creation in Christ. Our pastor spoke about having a thankful spirit on Sunday and dang man, I was on the edge of the pew listening. I am so guilty of this! I start a lot of sentences with “if only”. I complain and moan when things don’t go my way. Friends, it should not be this way! The greatest news is that Jesus died to take away our sin. My sins are no more, I am a new creation in Him. How thankful I am that I don’t have to drag around all those past mistakes. That they are gone, as far as the east is from the west, he remembers them no more. And even now, though I try to live like Christ that is just impossible. But the good news is that even though I mess up and make mistakes and grumble about petty things, that if I ask for forgiveness it is granted. That I don’t have to try to live this perfect life that is frankly unattainable. I can live for Him but He loves me enough to forgive meĀ even when I’m human. This is what makes my heart truly thankful! That there is forgiveness. How freeing it is to be forgiven.

So have goals, work towards the future, but don’t be like me and complain when it doesn’t happen right away. Sometimes things that we want so badly are not to happen in our lifetime. Be it the promise land for Moses or a root cellar for April. Have a thankful spirit and be glad in what you have been blessed with today.

And eat lots of good food. That’s just a must.

Happy Thanksgiving friends!



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