We have a quick order of business today. Normally when I start a blog post this way it means I have cleaning to do. Which is once again true in this case. Only this time I have the Spring cleaning…
Once upon a time there was a farm girl named April. She lovingly cared for chickens, goats, several dogs, a Hubby, and a home. She also worked 2 jobs outside of the home, wrote a blog, and was co-founder of…
I wrote this post out first thing in the morning. I had the coffee, and the pictures, and the inspiration. I was going to write it in all my sarcastic glory. I even used the word ergo. Which happens to…
Hello world. I promise I’m alive. Although “barely” could be an accurate description. Maybe tired is a better word. Let’s start again. Hello world. I’m tired. Tired of everything going wrong. Tired of cold weather. Tired of putting on 500…
This post contains affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you buy anything after clicking the links I’ve provided at no extra cost to you. I am a seriously busy person. I’m actually pretty sure at this point I’m too…
Winter is the time of year where we really focus on keeping good bacteria in our guts. Yes, good bacteria. In this day and age we are all a little too scared of bacteria. Granted that word does conjure up…