Y’all I’m just going to say it. We drink raw milk. Bless my stars and garters I must clutch my pearls! I know. I know. I thought you might say that. Raw milk is illegal in Canada. I literally feel…
We have a quick order of business today. Mainly because I’m supposed to be vacuuming. Pfft vacuum. Who has time for that? Looks around. Notices I’m standing alone. Shuffles feet. Ok fine. I’ll vacuum. But first lets talk about soup….
I have tears in my eyes as I write this. This dream seemed so far away. The ache in our hearts drove us onward every day towards a goal that we wanted more than anything else in the world, but…
Once upon a time there was a perfect dish. It was a beautiful pairing of fat, protein and garlic all jammed into one delicious spread. And they called it: HUMMUS! Lord have mercy. If there is one thing that I…
This post is going to be a heavy one, but it’s something that has been on my heart for a long time. Everyone is so caught up in special diets. I try not to be. I try to just eat…
You’ve probably been wondering where I’ve been. Truth be told, I’ve been eating cake. There I said it. My diet plans are out the window. I’m just sitting around eating cake in my kitchen looking at the mountains of projects…