There is so much swimming through my brain right now, I’m not even sure how to start this post. I am having that surge that only warmish weather brings. I need to start seeds! I need to get my seed…
Category: The Daily Ramblings of April
For those of you that know me, or for those that read my (old) About Me page, you know I hate coffee. Hate it. The smell, yuck! The taste, yuck! The shakes that I get after drinking it and the sick…
If you’ve hung around this little blog for awhile or even if you just read this post, you would have heard me complain, I’m sure, about our water situation here. And finally something was done about it. The biggest water…
Phew! Has anyone else had a crazy week? Last week was craziness here. This week isn’t looking to be much better. Here I was all excited for some down time but instead it’s getting busy again. With the extra warm…
I don’t have a washer. I have a dryer but no washer. It makes me feel incomplete. Dog barf on the bed? Gotta drive to town to wash it. Goat jump up on my cleanish jeans and now they’re covered…
It’s Thanksgiving. In Canada that is. Our growing season is much shorter. We need to eat a month earlier or we’d freeze to death without all those extra calories. True story. And in true Thanksgiving fashion we’re all getting together…